Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014 Welcome 2015

1. It time again to look back for the past 365 day in 2014. What a year it has been.

2. To tell you the truth, this is has been up and down for me. Even though many things had happens to me that will make me think a lot when I want to do in the future. But in a nut shell, I have already get what I wanted. And thanks to Allah swt and the prayers form my family, it have been a bless year for me.

3. Yes, there are some events that are very sad for my life for example the death in the family, but all in all, the year have teach me the meaning of life it self.

4. In my love life, thing have not be change for the past year. I had (if I am not mistaken) a lovely short term relationship, I guess. But it already taken me by surprise that people still wanted me in their life.

5. At work, what I target in the beginning of the year has been put in order and thing is going well. But in the end the success is actually subjective. For me, appreciation is in order to those who are willing to go beyond the normal working hours.

6. For next year, well it will be the new year for me, a new beginning and Insyallah, I will do something for myself and my target is by MAC 2015.

7. Pray for me, and may Allah swt bless all of us. Aminnn


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