Saturday, September 24, 2016

What the ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Pathetic? absolutely. Stupid?  of course ...

2. Two simple words if say to a person, will surely make them angry...

3. But that is the reality of life itself. People only looking at the "dark point" in a piece of paper. (please read by previous entry).

4. "Aderin, I'm so offended with that statement" says dot dot dot to me. Well sir/madam, please look into your self in the mirror. Confucius? Let me explain in the next paragraph... 

5. Yesterday, I was instructed to go to an activities that involved the "work". When I was there, yesterday, some of my colleague asked me a question, "Embassy is no involve? Then why are we asked to be here? We feels like stupid standing here doing nothing. 

6. Well guys, that is the mentality of the management right now. We are noting to them. We are like a leaf that falls down when winters comes. They only used us when they need a protection from the sun, when the hot is gone, we are all worth nothing.

7. Looking at the situation, I might just left the event and go home to sleep. But I did the opposite action. I stay there and take some pictures, talking to some of the participant and have a little fun. As for the rest, they left as soon as they "presented" themselves to the "BIG MAN"...

8. My points is this, when you have the power, or something that you want from other people, please do not push a person to do what they do not want to do, just because you have the power. This also apply to many situation, such as a relationship, a friendship or even a marriage. 

9. As I have mention before, in my previous entry, understanding, compromised and give and take is the best thing that we can do. This is the lesson of life. As mention in the above picture, never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care.

10. In a nut shell, have fun in life, ignore the small-small thing that is not important to us. Look at the bigger picture, if you cannot decided what the best for you, let Allah swt be your guidance and Insyallah all will be great.

11. Here are some pictures taken yesterday event. Congratulate to all who wins.

Updated in the same day..

12. Just to put something in perspective, silence is does not means NO, it just means that we have to step back and look in our decision. Pushing and given "kata dua", is not the best solution. It just saying that you are ...

13. Again, look back at the history, the answer has been given, only you do not want to accept it, as maybe the answer given to you is not what you want. I am not talking about others, but I am talking about myself. 

14. Being in this situation, condition and thing that happens right now, I guess that life is full of mystery that we need to figure of for ourselves. Do not makes other do the decision for you, because if they claim that they know you in and out, they are wrong.

15. Pointing a gun to someone head, literately, and asks for an answer is something that people normally do. They think that with power they can control people. Again, there are more greater power than gun and other human being. That power is Allah swt. Do you think you can challenge the will of Allah swt?

16. For me the best thing to do right now, is to silence myself. Let Allah swt give the answer to the person who asked me the question. May Allah swt guide you the right path. As for me, I am counting days only. 

17. We pray that Allah swt forgive us, as we are only human.  

This entry is part of my own writing and some credits are given to some article in the FB especially an article from Dean Kadeer (Sept 21 update), picture taken from and comment from what-app. 


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Assalamulaikum wrt wbt... 1. Entahlah tak tau apa nak diceritakan pada entery kali ini... 2. Hari ni dah masuk Ramdahan ke 9 yang m...