Sunday, September 4, 2016

September is sad month or a bless month?

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt..

1. Surprising, this remind me a lot of my life...

2. 16 Septemeber my family did not celebrate Malaysia Day but ...

3. September is also the month that I step out from Malaysia for the first time...

4. September also is the birthday of ...

5. But most of all, September is the month of...

6. September also the month that she arrived here in Bahrain...

7. September is the month of making something new...

8. Oh September, you make me jealous ...

9. I wish September never come...

10 Because after September, it going to be October... then November and December..


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Assalamulaikum wrt wbt... 1. Entahlah tak tau apa nak diceritakan pada entery kali ini... 2. Hari ni dah masuk Ramdahan ke 9 yang m...