Sunday, September 11, 2016

My feeling towards Hospital ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. People asked me, why I hate hospital?

2. EASY... I hate hospital because of my past experience...

3. I dislike hospital, as I mention before, is because of my past experience. I have no good experience regarding hospital. Either by my own experience or from others people.

4. I know that doctors is a good person. But still I do not like to go there. Ever time I go there, there will be some bad experience. I do not want to go to this experience again. It happens not only once but couple of time whether in Malaysia, Washington DC, Conakry and recently Manama.

5. I am sick right now. My eyes is red... really2 red...

6. Many said that when you are sick, that means that Allah swt love you and wants you asked for forgiveness for the things that we have done before. And I have to accept.

7. Many things that happens to me for the past week, make me wonder, what do Allah swt, prepare me for the next chapter? Only Allah swt knows.

8. Today is Arafah day.


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Assalamulaikum wrt wbt... 1. Entahlah tak tau apa nak diceritakan pada entery kali ini... 2. Hari ni dah masuk Ramdahan ke 9 yang m...