Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...
1. NEWS flash - I am only human ...
2. This discovary was made on Thursday morning when I decided to read my old e-mail at
3. As we all know, we all have our own opinion, that is our right especially for those who always looking at one side only. Strangely enough, people do not realized that their view, on certain matters, is actually wrong.
4. This remind me about a story about a man, a boy and a donkey. Do you remember this story? Can you tell me what the moral that we can learned from this story? Well....
5. Apparently, we do know this story, only for ignore it, as this is an old story told by our old generation that, we think, is not suitable in our "modern" colorful life. That's not all, we discover that this story has one particular subject that we do not want to accept...
6.This "old" phenomenon happens because we are to egoist to acknowledged that what we have here is the failure to understand the importance of "respect" others.
7. Hold on a minute, did I say we are STUPID people regardless who we are? Well, YES.
8. Anyway, that is my view on this matters. Well, people do have the right for their own opinion, but it doesn't make them right. We are great full that Malaysia is still peaceful.
9. As for myself, better to have my own opinion to myself only. As I don't think that you will accept my view on the life as I view it through my own eyes.
10. Till then, I left you with the story of a man, a boy and a donkey for your reading pleasure.
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