Monday, August 29, 2016

Haip ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Sunday...

2. It a working day here in Bahrain...

3. But for my mom... everyday is a working day... I am happy when ever I call mom, there is a happy voice come out from here...  She can still work and make some money... always on her toes...

4. I try not to miss talking to her everyday... Even if I cannot make a face time call, I will call her by normal, conventional call, just to hear her voice.

Friday, August 26, 2016

What A Fish?

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. If you haven't heard yet, there is a BIG story about "Bangsa Johor"...

2. As a Bangsa Johor myself, I am particularly feels that this issue is taken out of context.

3. Why do I say that? Simple, each of us, particularly in Malaysia, especially for Malays, we have our "states" ego in side of us... let me expain...

Monday, August 22, 2016

Hand behind the back ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Today topic is ...

2. Body language is one of the most thing people sometimes forget to look at ...

3. And today, I saw someone doing it in front of me... this is one gesture that prominent male and female around  us... the level of confidence that the person show is so high that I felt that I should not say anything until I really understand the situation.

4. Next what should I do ... 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Something new to talk about

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Or in Bahrain we call Marhaba...

2. This entry will become a new beginning in a new chapter in my life...

3. People says life for a men begins at 40... well i am 41 years now... things haven't change very much... still the man that you know from 20-years ago...

4. Maybe that is because I still the person that you know... some people says it might be good and maybe bad... it is up to people who know me...

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..: KZA 0281 :..

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt... 1. Entahlah tak tau apa nak diceritakan pada entery kali ini... 2. Hari ni dah masuk Ramdahan ke 9 yang m...