Saturday, September 24, 2016

What the ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Pathetic? absolutely. Stupid?  of course ...

2. Two simple words if say to a person, will surely make them angry...

3. But that is the reality of life itself. People only looking at the "dark point" in a piece of paper. (please read by previous entry).

4. "Aderin, I'm so offended with that statement" says dot dot dot to me. Well sir/madam, please look into your self in the mirror. Confucius? Let me explain in the next paragraph... 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Friday ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. Me and my mid-life crisis continues.

2. I'm not complaining though and I'm thankful it has happened here in sunny Bahrain. For I have seen some of my friends veer off in a rather different mid-life direction in the States  and Conakry for instance.

3. It is all started when I received a what-app a few days ago. An old flame has been rekindled in my life which I thought wouldn't be possible here in these island. That is ...

4. Today and tomorrow, I will be having a ton of activities that might make me go all out ...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

My view today ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. NEWS flash - I am only human ...

2. This discovary was made on Thursday morning when I decided to read my old e-mail at

3. As we all know, we all have our own opinion, that is our right especially for those who always looking at one side only. Strangely enough, people do not realized that their view, on certain matters, is actually wrong.

4. This remind me about a story about a man, a boy and a donkey. Do you remember this story? Can you tell me what the moral that we can learned from this story? Well....

My feeling towards Hospital ...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. People asked me, why I hate hospital?

2. EASY... I hate hospital because of my past experience...

3. I dislike hospital, as I mention before, is because of my past experience. I have no good experience regarding hospital. Either by my own experience or from others people.

4. I know that doctors is a good person. But still I do not like to go there. Ever time I go there, there will be some bad experience. I do not want to go to this experience again. It happens not only once but couple of time whether in Malaysia, Washington DC, Conakry and recently Manama.

Friday, September 9, 2016

This week ... before Eid Al Adha

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. To whom it may concern...

2. First of all, let me say that I really miss you so much...

3. What ever you think of me, just remember, when I do something, there must be a reason...

4. Now that is out of my chest, let me tell you what is happening to me right now...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Friday, September 2, 2016

This Friday morning...

Assalamulaikum wrt wbt...

1. RELUCTANTLY, today I have to go to work ...

2. It seam that more and more challenges will be face towards the coming months ahead.

3. Somehow, along the way, I must ditched my old thinking to a different new approaches. As I am scrambling around searching for the correct and right approach, I came across this saying in the Facebook. (please see the above picture).

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Assalamulaikum wrt wbt... 1. Entahlah tak tau apa nak diceritakan pada entery kali ini... 2. Hari ni dah masuk Ramdahan ke 9 yang m...