Friday, May 30, 2014


Adakah Edd nie ada Charm orangnya?

Hem.... susah nak cakap... kekadang tu kalau kepala dah pusing mungkin akan dapat mengeluarkan charm dia... tapi selalunya tak lah...

Anyway, rencana ini Edd dapat dari web saja nak konsi bersama-sama..

What do you understand by the word Charisma?

I have a friend named Rahmi. The whole office knows that he is very busy. He is in charge of 3 persons’ portfolios so rarely goes out even to lunch. He seems to be glued to his desk every day. However, quite amazingly, despite having so little time to engage with people, he has lots of friends ranging from those at the management level down to the working level. Almost everyone in our office knows him and is comfortable with him.

One thing I discovered about him is that he always appreciates and give praises to people. He does it immediately when people do good things and he continuously thanks and compliments these people every time they meet. Although he is overwhelmed with work, in the off chance that we get to converse, he hardly tells us about himself. Rather, he will ask about our work, our well being, our family etc. He priorities others over himself. By doing that, he does not only communicate, he connects.

In communication and public speaking, the same rules apply. We can never be seen and accepted as an Effective Communicator and Persuasive Speaker without having ‘Charisma’. A poor communicator talks a lot. He finds it difficult to stop when he starts talking. Very unfortunately, the more he talks, the more he exposes his weaknesses.

Charismatic Communicator: Self-test 

It is actually not so difficult to check whether you, at this point in time, are already a Charismatic Person or otherwise. Jusk yourself the following questions and make sure that your answers are genuine and sincere:

i) Which one would you do first when you meet a new friend?
a. You introduce yourself first and tell him your background.
b. You ask his/her name and background.

ii) If you are asked to find a partner and exchange your high school experiences with him/her in 2 minutes, which one of the following categories would you be:
a. You’ll do most of the talking and storytelling.
b. You’d love to listen to his/her stories and ask him/her questions so you can know more about him/her.

iii) Which one do you prefer more?
a. Receiving presents and smile.
b. Giving presents and see the smile on his/her face.

iv) Which of the following statement below do you agree to more?
a. Sorry and thank you are precious words that cannot be easily uttered to anyone anytime.
b. Sorry and thank you are the best words to be said at all times.

v) If you had to work in a team, which method would you take to complete the task at hand?
a. Do it alone and then present to them
b. Discuss, collect inputs from your team members and do it together with them
If your answers are mostly (b), great, you already possess the qualities of a Charismatic Person. Polish up and you will certainly be an Influential Communicator and Public Speaker.

Charismatic Communicator: How To Develop 

Rasulullah s.a.w is undeniably the Most Charismatic Person the world has ever witnessed. His companions used to describe him as someone who never failed to acknowledge and appreciate each and every one of his audience who attended his talks. In fact, he sometimes extends his view to see those sitting behind poles to pay them respect and acknowledgement.

To be a Charismatic Person, we should develop the three attitudes Imentioned earlier. If you observe every Charismatic Person, you will surely find the three attitudes embedded in them. Start developing the three attitudes from now.

Some suggestions you can follow to develop your Charisma:

1. In a conversation with anyone, reduce using I, me, my and mine. Instead, use as many you, your, they, them, we and our as possible. For instance:
- What is your name? (instead of my name is…)
- How are you? (instead of I am not feeling well..)
- How was your trip? (instead of I had a very great travelling experience..)
- Has your dad recovered? (instead of my dad is now in hospital..)

2. Find at least one person to help every day. The more you give, the more you will get. What goes around comes around. If you treat your friend to lunch today, someone else will invite you for fine dining tomorrow. Even if no one does that to you, at the very least, you would have gained respect from people.

3. Say thank you out loud. I’m sorry and thank you. These two phrases are powerful tools that could flip people’s feelings and emotions from negative to positive. In addition, the effect of these two phrases would surely multiply if they are uttered out loud.


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